Monthly Archives: June 2010
Roll Up the Strip Mall
I had a dream where I found a katamari ball inside a shirt pocket before doing a load of laundry. It was easily distinguishable from a bouncy ball because it had those nodules covering the surface of the ball.
I quickly ran outside and started rolling up the bits of trash and debris around my house. Only a few items stuck and I couldn’t quite figure out the pattern. After rolling it down the street for a few minutes, it hit me: this katamari ball only rolled up items with a corporate logo on them.
I knocked over a neighbors garbage can and spun the ball through. The glossy ads from the newspaper stuck, along with some McDonalds containers. I went down the street, repeating this process with every garbage can in a 3 block radius. Eventually I had a ball that was about 6 feet in diameter. I knew I could take on the bigger pieces of corporate identity, so I headed towards the mall.
I had a ball that reached out into space by the time I was done picking up every bit of corporate sponsorship on the planet. It was a sight to behold.
Then I woke up.
To the Moon!
Death Sneaks up on You
You’re going to die. Do something. Someday. NOW!
Nicotine in Nightshades
Nicotine is found in the nightshade family of plants.
Does this mean tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes contain some nicotine in them? Could I just walk around with a jar of spaghetti sauce, french fries, or eggplant parmesan and suck on those during my 10 minute break at work instead of a tobacco stick?
Milton Babbitt
Going through some of my audio notes, I came across this name, Milton Babbitt. I looked him up and found this song, Lagniappe, from 1985. I found it pretty amazing. This would go great on a nice rainy day while you are reading an early play by Sam Shepard.
Intellectual Property?
Why can’t we just download a PDF from and put it on our e-reader?
Copyright. That’s why.
People need to have exclusive rights to what they create because works might take on new meaning, purpose, or direction if left to the masses. We wouldn’t want gobs of people standing on the shoulders of giants, building off of the creations of others. That just doesn’t seem logical.