A large, rectangular table covered in papers, coffee cups (steel, paper, polystyrene), and electronics. A baker’s dozen of people sits around the perimeter in fancy, faux leather chairs. Some feet rest on the ground, bouncing the remainder of the body on their toes. The sunlight is shining through the windows that surround the conference room. The smell of stale bagels and sugar cakes wafts through the air in parallel with the HVAC system.
(A’s Council is whispering into A’s ear.)
A: This meeting is adjourned.
(A picks up their bag and starts packing.)
B: There has to be a vote for that.
C: Council? (starts to scramble on laptop) Council?
A: This meeting is adjourned.
D: There needs to be a second.
(A starts to get flustered. Starts rubbing their bag with the palms of each hand.)
A: This meeting is adjourned.
B: This meeting will continue.
C: I concur.
A: This meeting is adjourned.
(A gets up and walks off the stage, stomping their feet loudly.)
D: All in favor of continuing despite the lack of president?
Everyone: Aye.
D: All opposed same sign?
B: We continue.
C: There is a clarifying question on the table.
E: The question was, “Why?”
C: Why, what?
D: Why do we think, I believe.
B: Yes. // That was it.
C: I know that we think to improve the station–
(A stomps back into the room and hustles towards their seat.)
C: –we should continue–
(A stomps their feet.)
A: This meeting is adjourned!
B: We voted to continue.
C: It passed unanimously.
A: I’m the executive of this board. You cannot have a vote without me.
C: Current rules allow.
D: It was approved by the board.
(A picks up a copy of the board’s policy from the shelf and starts to tear it to shreds.)