Swear to God by Emilyn Brodsky
Category Archives: Audio
Milton Babbitt
Going through some of my audio notes, I came across this name, Milton Babbitt. I looked him up and found this song, Lagniappe, from 1985. I found it pretty amazing. This would go great on a nice rainy day while you are reading an early play by Sam Shepard.
The Gurggles and Groans
Frank Zappa – The Talking Asshole from the Nova Convention, courtesy of UbuWeb.
The Hard Blues
Tips for the dating world
Why read Cosmo when you’ve got the Bible?
[audio:http://www.bestchurchofgod.org/.god/uploads/File/ChurchServices-LastWeeks/GodCastDating.mp3]A Story for the World
A Story from North America by kirsten lepore and Garrett Davis. Heard on Benjamin Walker’s Theory of Everything.
If the link does work anymore, you can hear the song via YouTube.